about angela 

angela sciberras

 I am practitioner with a wealth of life experience and training that I have expanded into an advanced new realm of work that evolves Kinesiology into a brand new approach. Resolve is an evolutionary way of working which focuses on resolving past shock, trauma and difficult experiences, to enable us to change our current responses and symptoms. It looks at the impact of unresolved trauma, physically, psychologically, emotionally, energetically and spiritually, and moves us to recovering health.

We all have unexpected shocks in our life, failing to resolve them because we struggle to make sense of it. Without this understanding we become locked into the flight/flight response. This essential short term survival mechanism becomes long-term, creating fear, doubt, uncertainty, anxiety and many other symptoms. For some this can irrevocably change our lives, and not for the better.

“After two decades and in excess of 10,000++ hours of Kinesiology and Neuro Training client sessions I have become an expert in the ability to gather, see and understand the pieces to the subconscious puzzle that is how people do their life.  

Helping you to see the patterns and perceptions that are sabotaging you and your most abundant life. Inside this self discovery I cause people to experience immediate and life altering changes and improvements within the areas of life they most struggle with, and may never have recovered from.”

Author of “Death the Door Music the Key. A Girl, A Harp at the Bedside of the Dying,” and respected pioneer of the cutting-edge work of Therapeutic Music and Sacred Ceremonial Harp work in Australia, Angela has mastered the art of creating sacred space.

Clinical Therapeutic Harpist specializing in Palliative Care, Neuro Linguistic Kinesiologist, Diploma of Neuro Training Kinesiology, Advanced Training Resolve Beyond Neurology Kinesiology, Diploma of Biochemical Facial Analysis, Certificate in Iridology. Angela received her Bachelor’s Degree in Music, and fourth year honors specializing in Ethnomusicology at Western Sydney University. Head Lecturer and course creator of Ethnomusicology for the Excelsior University Sydney, delivering profound results for over 5 years.

Alchemist of the body, mind, spirit axis, connector to the ancestors and lineages, Angela shares and connects you to the gift of endless synchronicity, hope, awe and magic that provides a powerful experience of mystical proportions.




 Angela incorporates vibration, sound and colour to bio hack your genetics, patterns, beliefs and behaviours that are the invisible matrix that can be the difference between a life of limitation and frustration or exponential freedom, magic and potential.

With over 10 years, and thousands of hours of Palliative Therapeutic Harp bedside experience, Angela’s ability to support clients struggling with stress or trauma of all kinds is highly developed.

Angela provides opportunity to change for those who feel that they have “tried everything” and not improved, taking a co-creative approach focusing on how you can participate in your healing journey to support the work done in clinic, empowering the change, process and outcome.

With a Diploma of Clinical Science of Biochemical Therapy, and Certificate in Iridology, Angela combines Kinesiology, Biochemical Facial and Iris Analysis and almost 20 years experience seeing patterns in human behaviour and symptomology, to provide a truly balanced and holistic discovery of your body, mind and spirit.

Facial analysis is an excellent option in determining mineral deficiency quickly and accurately.



Author & Key Note Speaker


“Teaching, speaking, mentor and presenting to large groups is my passion and purpose in this life. It is a great privilege to share in such a way that leaves any room touched, moved and inspired. I am so excited to share my soon to be launched book, and greatest story never told. Get ready for a journey into the modern day mystical.”


Resolve Practitioner 

An evolutionary approach to health and wellbeing which focuses on resolving past shock, trauma and difficult experiences, to enable us to change our current responses and symptoms. It looks at the impact of unresolved trauma on all aspects of us, physically, psychologically, emotionally, energetically and spiritually, and moves us to recovery of health in a way not previously seen before.”



Highly recommend Angela.

 We live about an hour away from her so she treats us through distance. I had a sore tail bone which she helped reduce the pain in one treatment and my 1.5 year old had a wet cough for a few months. Doctors were no help and she is dramatically better after one session again though distance.. thank you soooo much.

– Sarah B 

“For 2 years I have been trying to get help for my daughters chronic issues with her stomach, allergies, seeing endless GP’s, giving her 4 laxatives a day, and being told in the end of each visit its just how some kids are, she will grow out of it. In the mean time I would be dealing with 3 year old screaming in pain multiple times a day, some days over 30 times. Nothing about that felt normal. Along came an angel… Angela, and within 1 visit we are seeing results. We still have some tweaking to do for sure, but this is a step in the right direction. Im so grateful for Angela’s passion, knowledge, expertise and care. I cannot recommend her services enough!!!

– Nelly W




“I wish I could bottle the energy and internal feelings I leave my sessions with to tap into again and again.”

“Angela’s ability to read the human body, identify its needs, and enhance it’s abilities too overcome and reset the subconscious is extremely settling, and life transforming. “

– Stef Thom

“I just wanted to thank you Angela so much for the work you did with me! I have never felt so good and stress free ever! I keep trying to tell people how amazing I feel, but it’s hard to explain! Thank you so much!

– Krystal 

“I am honestly blessed my best friend of 35 years introduced me to you Angela! YOU HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE!!! In my darkest days you have helped me see the light.You have helped me through my struggles of the past and the trauma that came with it. You have helped me breathe again! Im still on this road of healing, but with your support, I know I will overcome all and any obstacles along the way. Thank you for everything, your support and kindness means so much to me.”

– Kylie O